Are you exited for upcoming Mother’s Day? I know I am! And what’s the better gift than handmade greeting card with luscious watercolor florals!
I filmed a short video showing my process of creating my greeting cards on Strathmore watercolor cards, using my Sakura Koi Watercolor Set. I really love how easy it is to create fun and loose florals with watercolors. You can see that I work with very few colors. A cooler red to create nice pinks and a warmer red to create nice oranges. And the same goes for green, I like to incorporate a few shades of greens to make it more interesting.

I start with my main flowers to create a pattern and a ‘flow’ for my composition. I like to start with the main objects because it helps me see how the piece is coming together. I keep my flowers very simple, starting from the middle with the most concentrated paint, I then dilute my paint a little bit and paint the outer petals. When flowers are dry, I go back with some concentrated paint and add a few details to the center of the flower to create an illusion of depth between petals. Leaves are very easy to paint, I just mix in a few different shapes of leaves to created a more interesting composition.
You can also check out my other video watercolor flower tutorial for creating quick and loose flowers in my post here
I also like to add a matching illustration on the inside. Just make sure that the from page is dry by then, so the paint doesn’t drip when you flip the paper.

Then, with a light pencil I sketch my lettering to see how it looks before going in with the ink. I like to use modern calligraphy style for my cards, it adds a more romantic and feminine touch.
And in the end for a final detail I decided to add a few sparkles of gold with my gold Gelly Roll pen. It adds a nice subtle accent that catches your eye and makes you wanna wonder around the page and see more of the details.

I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial and got inspired to try something on your own! If so, please share your cards or any artworks you create after my tutorials and I will feature them on my blog!!!
Full list of supplies you can find at the end of this post!
Here’s a video on my YouTude channel! Subscribe and give it a like! 🙂 And I will see you in my next post!
All the supplies are easy to find and easy to use:
– Sakura Koi 18 tube watercolor set
-Size 6 round synthetic brush, any brush will do.
– Hunt 512 nib and Speedball nib holder
– Gelly Roll Gold Metallic Pen
– Prismacolor Col-Erase pencils for sketching
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